Lovely beautiful day today here in New York City. Spring seems to actually be here.
Spent most of it in my appartment sorta baby sitting two highly reccomended 'contractors'
who were patching a hole in my ceiling that they put there a week ago to get to the clogged
drain belonging to the 3 girls with long hair upstairs that was destroyed by the plumber
they called after they just couldn't figure out why the water wouldn't go down the drain anymore.
So these highly skilled guys got started late. I gave them some space since I had told them
last week that my ceiling was perfect before they cut a hole in it. I wanted it put back perfect. (see below
"Commitment to Excellence")
The "BOSS" violated Rule Number One of Spackle and Paint. Never Ever Paint Over Spackle
before it is Sanded Smooth. Paint will seal it for further generations like the Dead Sea Scrolls.
(so, today's shoddy Pablo Plus job is saved for further generations.... or until the girls upstairs
clog the drain again)
I did get a few minutes out in the pretty day when I took the bike over to Brickman Hardware for
another quart of Ralph Lauren 'stone wall' semi-gloss paint. The BOSS's guy put too much spackle
on so the job didn't dry. They slopped paint all over (I could have done that myself!) and left without finishing.
I've got stuff to do like change the gearing on my Bianchi Pista Concept so I can be ready to
go train at Kissena Park tomorrow with the Track Cycling Pals. But my appartment is a mess.
the 3 Levels of NYC Renovation
1. Juan Pablo (shoddy landlord job)
2. Pablo Plus (still not great but at least you get a reacharound)
3. Commitment To Excellence
Bike Built For Turning Left Tomorrow(at Kissena Park)
Spent most of it in my appartment sorta baby sitting two highly reccomended 'contractors'
who were patching a hole in my ceiling that they put there a week ago to get to the clogged
drain belonging to the 3 girls with long hair upstairs that was destroyed by the plumber
they called after they just couldn't figure out why the water wouldn't go down the drain anymore.
So these highly skilled guys got started late. I gave them some space since I had told them
last week that my ceiling was perfect before they cut a hole in it. I wanted it put back perfect. (see below
"Commitment to Excellence")
The "BOSS" violated Rule Number One of Spackle and Paint. Never Ever Paint Over Spackle
before it is Sanded Smooth. Paint will seal it for further generations like the Dead Sea Scrolls.
(so, today's shoddy Pablo Plus job is saved for further generations.... or until the girls upstairs
clog the drain again)
I did get a few minutes out in the pretty day when I took the bike over to Brickman Hardware for
another quart of Ralph Lauren 'stone wall' semi-gloss paint. The BOSS's guy put too much spackle
on so the job didn't dry. They slopped paint all over (I could have done that myself!) and left without finishing.
I've got stuff to do like change the gearing on my Bianchi Pista Concept so I can be ready to
go train at Kissena Park tomorrow with the Track Cycling Pals. But my appartment is a mess.
the 3 Levels of NYC Renovation
1. Juan Pablo (shoddy landlord job)
2. Pablo Plus (still not great but at least you get a reacharound)
3. Commitment To Excellence
Bike Built For Turning Left Tomorrow(at Kissena Park)