After finishing up
Chip Robinson's record at the
Studio the
Bottle Rockets showed up to make their new record for
Bloodshot Records
Some of the favorite records that I've made as a
Producer have been with the Bottle Rockets.
Tim Hatfield and I have had our hands full enabling the Bottle Rockets in their pursuit of the rock and roll.
After a couple weeks with the Bottle Rockets
Mary Lee and I went to Fontana, Wisconsin for my Dad's 80'th Birthday Party. We had a great time with all the cousins and honorary cousin Sarah Kinally.

My mom had a great spread for all that included some fine beef tenderloin.

I love going up to the Lake. I've left a bike stashed there for the last couple years so I could take advantage of the fantastic rolling blacktop farm roads in the country side surrounding Lake Geneva. I usually text my old buddy David McPherson and meet up with him and his fast riding brother in law Greg for a nice ride or two on the weekend. Greg's brother came with us on an 'out and back' to Darien, WI

These roads are a lot different than the ones I ride each day to the studio and back in NYC.
On the way back from Wisconsin Mary Lee and I had our patience for this world and flying tested at Ohare Field in Chicago, IL.
When our plane to LGA in NYC finally took off it was 30 hours from the time we had arrived in Ohare. For those keeping tabs Airport Waiting is now $10 per hour for 2.
Got back to NYC and Timbo and I threw ourselves into mixing the Bottle Rockets record. We are very S T O K E D about the record. It seems to be done. I'm eager to try one of these 'day offs' that folks get from time to time.
Ok. that is the latest "I have been slacking on the blog" blog.
And yes, this blog was posted on the day of ascension.
Our beloved Elvis left the building 31 years ago today.
Cheers to the King