Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Happy 50th Anniv to my Folks!

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Sept 22 was my parents 50th wedding anniversary. My sister Sarah and I threw a bash for them at the Cobalt Lounge in Fontana, WI last Sunday.

We had a fancy butter cream frosting cake from Delevan and some great Beef Tenderloin sandwiches
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It was a great weekend up at the Lake.
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We saw a rainbow
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and some vintage wooden boats
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So glad we could have the party for my parents. So glad so many of their friends could come.
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Congratulations Mom and Dad,

E, ML, Sair & Brad

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wild World of Extreme Sports

NBC did a segment on a buddy of mine this weekend. His name is Squid and he's bike messenger here in NYC who rides track.
check it out on YouTube!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bob & the Yayhoos

I've always dug Bob. Bob is, was and always will be rock and roll to me. Even if he did write "Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle".
My first Suburban (the '89 two tone blue Chevy) had a cassette of Bob's "Time Out Of Mind" stuck in the cassette deck. It was still in there when the truck got stolen. It was the music of the truck. Kinda like the refrigerator light. You'd have to get in the refrigerator to actually find out if the light ever turned off. Bob is New York...the best parts of New York.. He's a midwest cat who collected records and learned stuff and came to the big city to try his hand at the hustle.

This wed Sept 6 Bob played the Yayhoos "Bottle And A Bible" from our 2001 cd Fear Not The Obvious on his XM Radio Theme Time show. I have to admit I knew it was coming but its wild as hell to hear Bob quoting Dan and Terry's lyrics and saying my name.

click on Bottle and A Bible to hear Bob and the Yayhoos.

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

another perfect day...

on the blacktop south of Lake Geneva

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Here's my buddy David

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And his brother inlaw Greg (who's been dialing in his position for the triathalon next weekend)

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.......... Now if I can just get over to the Elkhorn County Fair......

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

at the Lake......

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mocha-chip-sugarcone in downtown Delavan, Wisconsin.
messiest thing I've eaten since I was 3

Friday, September 01, 2006

and a blast was had

Great run with the Yayhoos.
Ten gigs, a radio show, a Neil Young celebration and one fun but disorganized semi southern rock fest
later I found myself back at home in the East Village in NYC where I was greated by one
of my all time favorite treats of all time...

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I love deviled eggs. When I think of people who are totally out of control, try to understand what makes them do what they
do and why they have to do it.... I just think of deviled eggs.

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check out Terry's Blog for more stories and pics from the Yayhoos run.
I'm headed back to Fontana, Wisconsin. Hit the blacktop on my orange bike. May even make it to the Elkhorn County Fair and toast the end of the summer at Chucks for Vegetable Day.

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orange bike across the street from Chucks