Back and Forth
Couple quick trips. Couple weeks ago I went to visit my folks in Naples, FL.
Went for a nice lunch by the Gulf at the Turtle Club.

That pink drink was my mom's Turtletini.
Came back and went to Scott Hull's newly acquired Masterdisk to work with Dave McNair on mastering the Bottle Rockets upcoming release.

Dave McNair, longtime Bottle Rockets fan gets a crack at the new Bloodshot record to be released late spring '09.
Then later that week I was back at JFK to fly over to Hannover, Germany for the Blue Rose Records Christmas Party Presented by Head Honcho Edgar at the Blues Garage with a bunch of cool musicians and bands from all over including Todd Thibaud, Chris Cacavas, Julian Dawson and the Band of Heathens. On friday night Edgar took a bunch of us out to eat and my lust for pig flesh was satiated.

The next day was time for the big gig. In addition to my food snapshot artist duties I played the whole set with the Bottle Rockets. Seemed to be a lot of Neil going on at the party. Bottle Rockets were no exception.
Lots of things happened including the fact that this vendor who was intrigued by my Wisconsin pronunciation of Bratwurst sold over 800 tubualar swine treats that night.

That doesn't count the ones he was giving away at the end.

Post gig snack w Hefeweizen
Straight back to NYC the next day after 3 in flight Batman movies on the merciful this time Air France.
Lily tried to help ML with the Christmas decorations.

Germany has the beer and the meat but 9th Street has the coffee.

Holiday Macchiato
Went for a nice lunch by the Gulf at the Turtle Club.

That pink drink was my mom's Turtletini.
Came back and went to Scott Hull's newly acquired Masterdisk to work with Dave McNair on mastering the Bottle Rockets upcoming release.

Dave McNair, longtime Bottle Rockets fan gets a crack at the new Bloodshot record to be released late spring '09.
Then later that week I was back at JFK to fly over to Hannover, Germany for the Blue Rose Records Christmas Party Presented by Head Honcho Edgar at the Blues Garage with a bunch of cool musicians and bands from all over including Todd Thibaud, Chris Cacavas, Julian Dawson and the Band of Heathens. On friday night Edgar took a bunch of us out to eat and my lust for pig flesh was satiated.

The next day was time for the big gig. In addition to my food snapshot artist duties I played the whole set with the Bottle Rockets. Seemed to be a lot of Neil going on at the party. Bottle Rockets were no exception.
Lots of things happened including the fact that this vendor who was intrigued by my Wisconsin pronunciation of Bratwurst sold over 800 tubualar swine treats that night.

That doesn't count the ones he was giving away at the end.

Post gig snack w Hefeweizen
Straight back to NYC the next day after 3 in flight Batman movies on the merciful this time Air France.
Lily tried to help ML with the Christmas decorations.

Germany has the beer and the meat but 9th Street has the coffee.

Holiday Macchiato
It's Roscoe! It's Anthony Bourdain! It's Roscoe! It's Anthon...
That's a smokin' version of "Lookout Joe". Very, Very nice! :)
Love those Bottle Rockets!
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